Hej Leute,
ich suche einige alte Rollenspiele und bin bereit, gutes Geld dafür zu bezahlen.
Wenn ihr also etwas von meiner Wunschliste bei euch rumzuliegen habt und es gerne veräußern würdet, meldet euch doch bitte bei mir.
(Ach ... eines noch ... ich nutze keine Onlinehandelsangebote und ich überweise auch kein Geld im Voraus. ... wenn ihr mir also was verticken wollt, müssen wir uns leider treffen, gern bei euch an der Türe oder auch irgendwo anders ...)
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Cresent Empire
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Die Nationen Théahs: Ussura (gesucht wird nur das Deutsche, das Englische ist bereits vorhanden)
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Die Nationen Théahs: Vendel & Vesten
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Freiburg Boxset
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Montaigne Revolution
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Nations of Théah: Vendel & Vesten
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Secret Societies: Die Kreuzritter
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Secret Societies: Rilasciare
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Secret Societies: Sophia's Daughters
7th Sea, 1st Edition, Swordmans Guild
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Elfen & Humanoide Völker [Box] (deutsch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Kämpfer & Diebe [Box] (deutsch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Magier & Priester [Box] (deutsch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Ravenloft [Box] (deutsch oder englisch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Spieler-Set [Box] (deutsch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Spielleiter-Set [Box] (deutsch)
ADnD, 2nd Edition, Zwerge, Gnome & Halblinge [Box] (deutsch)
CyberPunk, Grimm's Cybertales (deutsch oder englisch)
Dark Heresy, 1st Edition, Disciples of the Dark Gods
Dark Heresy, 2nd Edition, Core Rulebook
Dark Heresy, 2nd Edition, Enem
Degenesis, Klassik, Grundregelwerk
Degenesis, Klassik, Justitian
Degenesis, Klassik, Kampagnenband: Nichtfraktal
Degenesis, Klassik, Kultbuch: Spitalier
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, Companion
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, Core Rulebook
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, Denizens of Earthdawn, Volume 1
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, Denizens of Earthdawn, Volume 2
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, Magic: A Manual of Mystic Secrets
Earthdawn, 1st Edition, The Adept's Way
-> Danke an Ulli ... und dann auch noch für wenig cash und weitere Bücher
Endland, Grundregelwerk
In Nomine Satanis (deutsch oder englisch, vorzugsweise deutsch - Magna Veritas ist bereits vorhanden)
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Bearers of Jade (The Second Book of the Shadowlands)
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Book of the Shadowlands
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, The Way of the Shadow
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Walking the Way
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Way of the Crane
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Way of the Phoenix
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Way of the Scorpion
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Way of Shinsei
Legend of the Five Rings, 1st Edition, Way of the Wolf
Legend of the Five Rings, 2nd Edition, Way of the Ratling
Legend of the Five Rings, 2nd Edition, Way of the Shadowlands
Plüsch, Power & Plunder, 1st Edition, Grundregelwerk
Shadowrun, 1st Edition, Grundregelwerk (deutsch oder englisch)
SLA Industries, 1st Edition, Gamemaster's Screen
SLA Industries, 1st Edition, Karma
SLA Industries, 1st Edition, Mort Sourcebook
Vampire the Dark Ages, Core Rulebook
Vampire the Dark Ages, Clanbook: Cappadocian
Vampire the Dark Ages, House of Tremere
Vampire the Masquerade, 1st Edition, Core Rulebook
Vampire the Masquerade, 1st Edition, The Hunters Hunted
Vampire the Masquerade, 1st Edition, The Players Guide
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Book of the Kindred
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Brujah
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Gangrel
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Lasombra
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Malkavian
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Nosferatu
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Ravnos
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Clanbook Tremere
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Frankfurt bei Nacht <-- für 20 im Antiquariat gefunden
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Players Guide
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, The Anarch Cookbook
Vampire the Masquerade, 2nd Edition, The Inquisition
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Brujah (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Gangrel (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Lasombra (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Malkavian (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Nosferatu (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Ravnos (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Clanbook Tremere (revised)
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Guide to the Anarchs
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Havens of the Damned
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Player's Guide
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Time of Thin Blood
Vampire the Masquerade, 3rd Edition, Wiener Blut: Wien bei Nacht
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition, Barony of the Damned
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition, Nights Dark Masters
Warhammer Fanrasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition, Realms of Sorcery
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition, Tome of Corruption
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition, Tome of Salvation
World of Darkness: Mummy, 1st Edition
World of Darkness: Sorcerer, 1st Edition
World of Darkness: Mediums: Speakers of the Dead, 2nd Edition
World of Darkness: Mummy, 2nd Edition
World of Darkness: Sorcerer: Paths of Power, 2nd Edition
echte, alte Vampire the Masquerade -Würfel (auch einzeln)
Preisvorschläge sind gern willkommen, sollten sich allerdings nach dem Zustand der Bücher richten.
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