Playtest: Out of the Murmuring Dark

Help me Playtest my Adventure for the Storytelling Collective's "Write Your First Adventure" Workshop! The system is D&D 5th edition. I need 3-6 players to help me work out the bugs before I finalize my story:

"They brought the dark with them, fluttering down all around us. Then the screams as they pierced the lead rider. Eruk thrust his spear clean through the crow-thing in front of us, but it just croaked like dry leaves, and he fell back on me, gutted by black blades. I looked around for the queen, but something caught me in the side, burning like fire, and I fell and saw no more."

Proud Queen Wyssa has been wounded in brazen attack in the wilderness, and her son and wife have been dragged away by terrifying creatures that did not seem to feel the weapons of her guards. The queen's mother, fearing treachery in the ranks, calls upon the characters to rescue the family members who were taken and find out who was behind the attack.

This adventure will be run in English, on Discord and (if I get maps ready in time). Pregens will be provided or 1st level characters matching a Norse/Dark Celtic/Dark Ages theme can be created yourselves. You may use any options in the Players Handbook, Xanathars, Tashas, or Volos. Please do pay attention to starting gold limits, and equipment appropriate to Dark Ages tech level. Please indicate that you will participate!

[UPDATE] We are currently full! Thank you for the people who contacted me to participate!

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  • Meee! Take me as your playtester and the most annoying critic. :D

Kommentare 4

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    or 1st level characters matching a Norse/Dark Celtic/Dark Ages theme can be created yourselves.

    What are the creation parameters? (Beside the world theme ...)

    • If I was running this to kick off a campaign I would want to keep magic and fantastic backgrounds as relatively rare. Maybe I would give the whole party three or four "fantasy points" to share for character creation. A fantasy point can be used to allow either a party member to be a full caster magic user, or a party member to be non-human. For instance, an elven cleric uses up two of the party's points, a human paladin one half, and a human rogue none. The party would also have low initial gold, and simple starting weapons and inexpensive armor. However....

      Since this playtest is for a generic D&D adventure to publish, these ideas DON'T apply to this session at all! You may use any options in the Players Handbook, Xanathars, Tashas, or Volos. Please do pay attention to starting gold limits, and equipment appropriate to Dark Ages tech level. Building your own character will likely be somewhat stronger than using one of my pregens, who will likely be locals, mostly humans, with simple builds and limited financial resources in line with what I've explained above that I would expect in a campaign.

    • I thought about a human shadow magic sorcerer who was a former druid apprentice and is fallen from grace due to a dark revelation he made while contemplating about some mysteries far out in seclusion. ... and now he is back, dark and broody. Not really evil, but nihilistic for sure. (Actually, he is true neutral and even helpful from time to time. But most if the time, he is full of his delusions.)

      Could that fit?

    • That would be fine!

      Some history I am working with for the one shot :

      The small mountainous kingdom of Osslind lost a war against goblin tribes 10 years ago, and many of the villages of its countryside were burned and raided. Many former villagers now live crowded in wooden shacks around the main town on the coast. This town, the queens capital, had recently built a keep and stone and log walls before the war. The goblins were unable to break these defenses. The other safe places are several monasteries dotted around the countryside. Many learned people (wizards, clerics, monks) live in fortified communities like these. To the North is a great dark forest, and also a black wasteland dotted with strange fogs and geothermal gysers. Both of these places are dangerous, and not visited by most normal folk. To the south is a wide plain, the heart of the new goblin realm. Beyond the goblins far to the south lie the rich lands and walls of the stronger southern kingdoms. To the West is the sea, including some smaller inhabited islands whose people are friendly to Osslind.

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