Posts by seifenblasenseele

    Hey, I've only just joined the Sonntagshelden forum so I'm not quite sure yet how this website works and if there's something like a private message option that would be more appropriate for contacting you but your post was the first one that caught my eye and I think I am really intrigued!

    I'm an absolute newbie, I've only played one D&D Oneshot and a handful of DSA ones. However I do love to write stories and have a lot of experience there. The interactive story telling aspect of roleplay is what I find most enticing about it. Currently my entire D&D knowledge comes from having delved deep into the second critical role campaign, which really inspired me to start looking for a group myself.

    I am a bit hesitant about playing online BC I find myself being rather quiet due to not wanting to cut anybody off or talking over other people (lack of non verbal turn taking cues when just in voice chat/video call) but I'd still like to give it a try at least!